Friday, May 24, 2013

Only 4 Weeks Left!!

Gosh, I did well with my marathon blog, but for some reason I just can't ever find anything that interesting to talk about for this blog...

We are down to the last month of pregnancy. I hit 36 weeks on Wednesday and I am definitely starting wear down much quicker than before. Overall I still feel pretty good, better than I honestly would have thought I'd feel, but I can tell that it's harder to get around and move in general. I am going to be working until June 2nd or so. The Activities Supervisor that the company hired for Colter Bay had some health issues and was unable to come. So they hired a new person, but she won't show up until June 2nd. So they asked me if I would. I figured it would be a little better than reservations because I'd get paid a little more and it might be a little more intellectually stimulating. Actually it isn't that much more stimulating and I have to commute five miles each way (where as I would have walked if I had stayed in reservations) so it probably works out to not much more pay anyway. But oh well. It's a nice change of scenery and I'll be done sooner. Plus I have more control over the hours I work and days I have off since I make the schedule. So I think I only have about 5 days left to work and then I'll be a stay at home mommy for the next few years.

It's a little weird to think that I won't be going somewhere to go work everyday. As of now, I'm looking forward to being home. I am kind of worried that once the baby gets here and things settle down a little, I'm going to miss going to work just because I get a little bit of socializing out of it more than anything. The jobs I've been doing the last couple years have not been super interesting or enjoyable, so I won't mind not having the feeling of wasting my time working a job that I have no interest in. But I think I'm going to miss seeing other grown ups and having outside conversations. Maybe not though. Maybe I'll just really enjoy being home.

Now that birth is getting closer and closer, I'm trying to not think of it more and more. I wish I wasn't feeling anxious about it, but I really don't know how to not feel anxious about it. On one hand I really just want it to be over with, but then there's the whole "you'll be responsible for keeping someone else alive as soon as it's over" that makes me just want to stay pregnant forever. This could also be why I'm not letting myself get sick of it yet. Because as soon as I'm sick of it and wanting it to be over, things will drag on and it will be that much more unpleasant.

And I do like being pregnant. I have had such an easy pregnancy and I love feeling him move around. When that feeling is gone, it's going to take some getting used to. I mean he's been hanging out in there for the past eight months and I've been able to feel him the last five months, so it will be strange when he's gone. I am really looking forward to seeing him for the first time and getting to know him. I still can't believe that we are going to be parents in 4-5 weeks. I know it hasn't happened overnight, but it's gone by so fast that it feels a little like it might have happened overnight.

We have his room pretty much all set up and ready to go. We were blessed to get two baby showers. I had one when we went home at the end of April with mostly family and family friends and then some of my friends threw me one a few weeks ago. There's only a couple things left that we might still need, but for the most part we are all set. I'm pretty sure we could make do if he decided to come now.

I did just buy a jogging stroller, which I am really excited to try out, but they do recommend that the kid be six months old before you put him in it. Some people do it sooner, so maybe he'll be big enough that I can fit him a little sooner. I kind of wish he came in like March or April because that would have given me time to recover and then I would have all summer to start running again while it's warm out. The way it is now, I probably won't be able to really start getting out there until August at the very earliest. Probably more like September or October. I do really want to get back into running though. It was such an easy way to stay fit and feel good about myself. Normally in the past when I work out, my overall goal is to look "better". I have never really even seriously strived to lose a certain amount of weight (well with the exception of last year, but I was running to make that happen mostly). I just wanted to look better in a bikini. I found that that wasn't great motivation. Instead with running, I could aim to run 5, 10 or 15 miles and when I accomplished it, it just made me want to do it again because it was a tangible goal that I could see and really feel good about. And in the meantime I was getting fit too. And then I had the overall goal of finishing a marathon, which was a great long term goal. So hopefully this jogging stroller will work out great and I'll be able to log a lot of miles with it.