Friday, April 5, 2013


I have not kept up with my blog at all lately. I actually kind of forgot about it until now. Things are going pretty well. We made it to and from Jamaica without any problems. It was such a great time!! I had so much fun relaxing and soaking up the warm weather and ocean. I burned my legs and feet the first day we were there though, which kind of put a damper on it. I stupidly didn't put any sunscreen on them because my legs hardly ever burn. My feet I didn't even think about. But as it turns out, the sun is REALLY strong down there and things burn even when you have sunscreen on. They looked awful after the first day. I still had a lot of fun though.

I didn't really realize how much being pregnant was going to affect my ability to do some things. Like walking for very long...yea that wasn't great. One of the nights we were there, we had already spent the last couple of days out and about walking around and my feet swelled SO badly. I mean I couldn't even see the bones on either sides of my ankles. Thankfully they went back down to normal size a couple days after we got home. I think I was pretty dehydrated and the sunburn and walking didn't help too much. I was just so happy that they weren't permanently pregnancy swollen. They were definitely some serious fat lady feet. 

I am so glad that we took the trip though. It cost a little money, but it really didn't feel like it hit us as hard as I was thinking it would. We already have it paid off our credit card and have almost got our savings account back to what it was before we left. Since it will be a while until we can do something like this again, I think we will be so happy that we took advantage while we had the chance. And since we might not be working for Vail by the time we can get away again, I think it was a great investment. It was just so much fun to get away for a while and see another part of the world. The next time we go do something like that though, I do not want to be pregnant. And I'm going to wear the sunscreen on every inch of my body!! 

We are starting to get down to the nitty gritty of this pregnancy. We are already at 29 weeks. If ever I thought 9 months was a long time, I had no idea. It seems like it was last week that I was freaking out at the two pink lines that had just appeared on that white stick. How time is flying already and our little guy hasn't even come out yet. I wonder how much faster things will go when he does finally arrive. 

April has already been a busy month and is only going to get busier. We finally moved into our new home! It is so nice to have some more space. We were really starting to feel cramped in the place we had been living the past two years. It's a two bedroom place, so we'll have a place for the baby as well as guests who want to come meet him. We also have a bigger back yard with actual grass and a little patio area. I really want to try and get some pretty flowers and plants growing once the snow melts away. I guess it will really depend on how I'm feeling by that point though. I'm already feeling rather large, and I still have two and a half more months to go. I think this kid is going to be a big one...

We have a lot of baby related things going on this month. I've started doing my bi-monthly doctors appointments, which is hard to believe. We are headed home to see some family before the season kicks off in two weeks. While we are home, our family is throwing me a baby shower, which is very exciting! We're also getting a few other things that family has handed down, including a crib. I'm hoping we can get everything to fit into the car. Then we are doing maternity photos in Butte on Monday the 22nd and then that following Saturday we are going to do Baby Bootcamp, which is basically an all day prenatal class. LOTS of baby stuff in April. I just can't believe that our little guy is going to be here in less than three months. I'm kind of getting nervous about the birthing part. I know that I can do it and I really want to do it naturally, but I'm scared of what I'm actually going to experience. I just don't know how to mentally prepare for it. I have a general idea of what to expect, but I just have this little voice in my head saying "You have no freaking idea what you're in for." I honestly just really want the whole thing to be over and done with so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Just hopefully everything will go smoothly and it won't be too horrible. 

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