Monday, February 11, 2013


This weekend was pretty eventful for our baby milestones. Friday night I could feel the baby moving around quite a bit and when I put my hand on my stomach, I could feel just a little nudge on my hand. Now that was cool! I haven't really doubted that he's been moving around, but it's just reassuring to feel him kicking on the outside and know that he's in there alive and well. The rest of the night, I kept trying to feel it, but had no more luck. But then early Saturday morning, I woke up from a super scary dream (I was being hunted by a serial killer and was hiding in my house) and was trying to get my bearings to be able to go back to sleep. I don't know if it was because my heart rate was a lot higher, but when I went to feel my tummy, he was moving up a storm. There were just all these consistent little nudges on my hand. I was so excited about it that I could not go back to sleep until he stopped moving around. And I didn't want to move at all in case it made him shift and he stopped kicking. So I laid there for about 45 minutes and felt him kicking. Needless to say, I completely forgot about how scared I was.

The next day I kept doing everything I could to get him to move again, but the lazy kid wouldn't move for anything. Every once in a while I would feel him, but by the time I got Chris to try and feel him, he would stop moving.

Finally on Sunday afternoon, we timed it just right and Chris was able to feel a tiny little nudge. After dinner though, he was moving a ton and Chris was able to feel several little kicks. It was so much fun! His face was priceless when he first felt him. Total shock! It's definitely addicting though. Half the time I just want to lay down and feel him kick. There's just nothing else like it.

Before you get pregnant, nine months seems like a pretty decent amount of time to prepare for a baby. After all, it is almost a year. But once it happens and you start counting week by week and each milestone, it starts to really go fast. We only have a month until the third trimester! By the time we go to Jamaica in a month, we will have less than 100 days until the baby's due date. We're almost to the point of if he were to be born he would at least have a chance at surviving (Not that I want that at all. He needs to stay in until he's good and cooked!). I really do think I will go late (At least I'm trying to convince myself of that so that if I do go over, I'm not too disappointed, despite my secret hope that I will go a little early) but not having any idea of when he is going to decide to show up makes it such a waiting game. I can't even imagine how I'm going to feel come mid-June. My mom was eleven days late with me so I really need to just plan on going that late too. That way I won't be convinced to be induced sooner than I should. I've decided that I will give myself until June 30 (eleven days after my due date) for him to come on his own unless the doctor has a legitimate reason as to why he should come sooner. Only time will tell!

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