Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Today is election day in America! I am planning on heading out to do my part after work today. I can't wait to see the results. I honestly just want it to be over with and know who has won. This time tomorrow hopefully it will all be settled and finalized. I am honestly really worried about the results of it though. I really feel like if Obama wins, it's going to be sad news for this country. All the debt that this country is in is appalling. And he has no plans to stop spending! In fact he has specifically said he's going to continue to spend. And Obamacare...Lord only knows where we will be by the time four years is up and Obamacare has put the country even further and further into debt. I just really am frightened for the state of the country and what this world will be like if Obama is given another term. Right now Obama is prospected to be in the lead...I really hope that changes. I just feel like everything he stands for is against everything I stand and hope for. I know that it really is up to God and he is going to give the country the leader He sees fit, but man I hope it's Mitt Romney...

If you haven't voted, make sure you do!

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