Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Crying It Out Will Just Not Do!

Something that I really didn't expect (okay well I guess I knew about it but just didn't think it would happen) is how emotional pregnancy makes me. I mean in general I am a pretty emotional person anyway. If someone looks at me funny, I might start crying normally. But now it's like everything is multiplied by like twenty. If someone maybe hints at possibly thinking they might look at me funny, I'll start crying inside. And then I really do cry because I can't hold in the fact that I want to cry. I cry for the most stupid things and sometimes I cry and don't even know why I'm crying. Like literally I have no idea what it is that has brought on tears.

You know that movie "What to Expect When You're Expecting"? Yea, she wasn't kidding when she says she cries at commercials... I've probably cried at two or three of them that are somewhat maybe a little sappy. Forget about watching movies like "Marley and Me" that made me sob when I wasn't pregnant. And I cry at sweet little things too. Like how cute a baby is or how kind my friends are or how thoughtful my husband is. It's just a never-ending up and down emotional roller coaster ALL THE TIME!!

And it's not even like I'm crying because I'm overwhelmed with work or chores or because I'm uncomfortable, because at least that would be understandable. I just have crying jags where I just ball for no apparent reason. And then I cry even more because I'm being stupid!

I get upset that I'm getting fat (yea I know it's not "fat") and it's upsetting that it won't matter if I do crunches because it's just going to keep getting bigger anyway. And then I don't even want to do anything at all because it won't make any difference anyway, and then I'm less happy because I don't exercise but why bother, even though really it does matter. Ugh!

Oh and the mood swings too! I mean really, one minute I will be fine and happy go lucky no problem and then DH doesn't wipe the sink off right and all hell breaks loose. And then the tears start coming because I can't figure out why I'm pissed off because it's absolutely silly to be mad about why the sink isn't wiped off right. I mean really, who cares? But for some reason this child is making me care and then the cycle starts all over again and I'm crying because I have no idea why I'm mad and upset and it makes no sense! I think I'd rather be nauseous than have all these crazy mood swings, because they are not fun!

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