Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Where the Hell Do I Come Up With This Stuff??

It's been a long time since I've wrote something in my blog. Mostly because I feel like I haven't had anything interesting to write lately. But last night I had some doozy of dreams that were just absolutely crazy. I actually commonly have weird dreams and I almost always remember at least one. But this time I remember at least two, maybe three. The first one I dreamt that I was the fourth finalist on The X Factor. We have been watching this show since the tryouts and following it rather religiously, so it makes sense that it was on my mind. Anyway, I was a finalist, along with Harry Potter (who was played by Daniel Radcliffe, but went by, of course, Harry Potter) the gay guy from Glee (Kurt) and an actual finalist on The X Factor right now, Tate Stevens. In this episode, the hosts were exploring each of our backgrounds a little bit more. Khloe Kardashian was the host (she really is one of the hosts this season) and she started with Harry. She told the audience that they were going to show a video from Harry's home of his little sister Eve. Now just as a back ground story, I have a little sister, who is two and her name is Evie. When Khloe said that Harry had a little sister named Eve, I thought it was rather strange that we both had that in common. Then suddenly they showed a video of my mom's house and the camera was in fact following my youngest sister around the house in just her diaper. They followed her around for a few minutes and I realized that they obviously got it all mixed up and that this was actually my sister, not Harry's. She looked at the camera and her diaper was FULL of poop and she went to take it off. As she is doing so, she yells at the camera "Jackson, shut that damn camera off!" And the video suddenly went off.

Apparently everyone thought this was funny and not at all nasty that her diaper was full of poop or that a two year old had just swore. So they spoke to Harry and asked him what he had to say. He tried to pretend like it wasn't a big deal or anything and he said "As funny as that was, I do not have a sister named Eve. I believe this video is Steph's sister." Afterwards, I actually think I woke up and looked around, because I don't remember anything else. I really didn't understand where I was and who was laying next to me because I was JUST sitting next to Tate Stevens and Harry Potter on The X Factor stage. Then I realized it had just been a dream and I fell immediately back to sleep.

And then for some reason in the middle of doing something messy (I have no idea what) I suddenly realized that I was getting married in an hour and a half and I needed to get my hair done. Because I didn't know that I was getting married, I didn't make an appointment with anyone. So I had to walk into a Mastercuts type place and see if anyone was available. I walked in and only one woman was in there. She was chewing gum and playing on her iPhone rather obnoxiously and I asked if I could get my hair done. She said she would get to me when she had a moment. I guess the dream version of me is a lot nicer than the real version because I just sat there politely waiting for her to be ready for me. Then suddenly more people started walking in and more stylists appeared out of nowhere. One lady walked in with her husband and I recognized them to be a family that we knew when my family lived in Havre. She got right in and started getting her hair done, which I didn't think was strange at all!

Now the lady that was left for me (who was still not doing anything but playing on her phone) showed no sign of getting to me anytime soon, and I was on a tight schedule. I was getting married and I couldn't get married with the hair I had! So I politely asked her if she would be ready anytime soon (which again is very much unlike what I would do in real life) and she flipped out. She started screaming that I needed to wait my "goddamn turn." Apparently I pissed her off enough that she stormed out of the salon and ran to the parking lot. Well I left the keys in our car and somehow she knew exactly which one it was. I realized she was going to steal it and I tried to race her there. But of course in dreams you can't move or speak the way that you normally can, so of course she got there first. Instead of stealing the car though, she decided to play demolition derby. Many many cars were in pieces and there was nothing I could do. It had been done with my car and so now my insurance premiums were going to go way up.

I'm not really sure what happened afterwards. The details are fuzzy. You know when you are dreaming and everything makes sense while you are dreaming, but as soon as you wake up, you have no idea what was going on? That's pretty much what happened. I know I continued to dream about something to do with a gas station and a bunch of people that were looking for me and then they turned into a marching band and a parade started going down the street...I don't know. All I know is when I woke up, I felt like so much had happened and that I should be exhausted, but I actually felt pretty rested.

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