Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Last Day!

Well today is official last day of working for GTLC. Crazy! I am happy to almost be done. The job that I'm doing now is pretty slow and boring, so it makes the days feel long. And I have reached the point that sitting down in the same position all day gets very uncomfortable. It will just be nice to be able to relax these last couple weeks before I go on mom duty.  

I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I keep thinking that in no more than four weeks (who knows how long exactly), we will have a baby! Life is going to significantly change very very soon. I'm hoping that I don't have to wait too much longer for him to come. I have a few things I'd like to get done around the house, but I feel like if I am sitting around the house too long, I'm going to go crazy waiting around for him. My mom is going to come down sometime close to my due date and bring my two little sisters, which will be great to have some time together. My sisters are so much fun and I'm going to enjoy having time with my mom and just kind of hanging out for a little while. It's just really hard to figure out the timing though. I want her to come down and see us, but I also don't want her to have to wait around two weeks for him to show up. Hopefully he doesn't come 11 days late like I did when I was born. I don't know if I can stand to wait that much longer...

I do not want to be induced if at all possible. I am trying to stay in the mindset that he will come when he's ready and pushing drugs into me to "get things moving" is not the best way to start out. I am trying to be pretty firm in my standing on it, but if we get to the point of being a week or more late, I might feel differently. I think just the sheer fact of how much my life will change once he does show up is keeping me from being too anxious for him to get here. Overall I feel ready, but I don't think I will ever feel 100% ready and so the thought of letting him stay as long as he likes is somewhat appealing to me. 

Although I am not necessarily feeling anxious for him to get here, I am feeling anxious to have my body back to normal. I want to be able to go out for a run again. I miss it a lot, especially now that the weather is getting warm. I love the sense of accomplishment that always came with my runs. I have enjoyed having an excuse to not work out lately, but I'm ready to get back into it. Running was like the one thing I had that I could do extracurricularly on a regular basis. And there are a lot of other people who also do it, so it's nice to have a little community of people who enjoy it as well. I'm hoping that by August, I'll be able to slowly start running again. I bought a jogging stroller that I'm excited to try out. Hopefully he'll like going on runs with me and it won't be so difficult to get out there. 

I am so ready to be able to drink a margarita too. I am not a huge drinker or anything, but the strawberry and blackberry margaritas that the restaurants have here are SO good! And there's just something about summer that makes you thirsty! And now that we have a nice place to live with a patio to sit out on, I can't wait to make up some yummy fruity drinks to indulge in once in a while.  

And this giant ass belly that gets in the way of EVERYTHING is awful!! I am so over it. I haven't had a decent sex life in months because I literally cannot maneuver at all. It has sadly pretty much non existent for the most part. It sucks that it just doesn't work as well. There's really only so many positions (well honestly just one) that works if you can even say it works. And I mean people say that once you get pregnant and have kids, sex takes a backseat for a while. I heard that and figured it would probably happen, but I guess I didn't think about how MUCH of a backseat it would take. For some crazy reason, I was thinking it meaning that it would only happen once a week, or even once every two weeks at the very least and then of course the six week break after the baby comes. Yea not quite the case. I am just ready to have my body somewhat back to myself...

I realize that life will be greatly impacted soon, but I know it's going to be for the better. We are bringing a new little person into our lives. I know that things will be crazy at moments and I'll have moments where my life is a little more overwhelming than I thought it would be, but I also know that there will be all these wonderful moments that far outweigh the hard moments. I am so excited for this stage in my life. It only lasts for a little while so I'm going to enjoy it while it does. 

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