When we left for the doc, my contractions picked up. I had around 15 contractions on the way there. They were still pretty light and I was able to talk through them without any problem. When we got to the doctor, she did an ultrasound and said that my fluid levels were really really low. I was only dilated 1 cm though, so I had a long ways to go. She told us that one way or the other, we were having a baby that day or the next. Talk about a big wake up call. She had me do a non stress test to see how strong my contractions were. I had my membranes stripped, which picked up a bit, but they were still fairly light. She had us to get lunch and then meet us that the hospital at 4:00. Once I got admitted and hooked up to an IV, my doctor came and checked me and I had gotten to 2 cm...not exactly what I was hoping since it had been three hours but she said that it was good progress and that she wouldn't need to start me on pitocin yet. She stripped my membranes again and that seemed to make the contractions harder. I labored for a little while just around the labor room and then asked if I could get in the birthing tub. That helped a lot. The contractions were definitely stronger, but they were manageable in the tub. I was able to talk through them at the beginning, but by the end, they were taking full concentration.
I stayed in the tub for about 4 hours. I was planning on staying in there for most of my labor, but when I got out to pee, I decided I wanted to get dried off and labor outside the pool. That was around 10:00. The nurse asked if I wanted to be checked (By this time we had a new one named Jan. The first one was named Mary and I wasn't so sure about her at first. She ended up being alright though. Jan was amazing though) and I told her yes mostly because I was curious. I was only at a three. Gah!!
I continued to labor until about midnight I think. I got really nauseous and had to throw up at one point. There wasn't a whole lot in my stomach, but the body convulsions made my water break. It was kind of funny because a couple months back, I threw up from some bad food and when I did that, I peed my pants. Chris was there and thought that my water had broken. It didn't of course, but when I threw up in the labor room, I thought that I had just peed myself, when in fact my water actually had broken. There was a little meconium in the fluid, but the nurses weren't worried about it. She said that some of my fluid had come out in the tub when she went to drain it because there was meconium in the tub as well. But like I said, they weren't worried about it, so they left me alone.
Eventually the narcotics wore off and the contractions got stronger and stronger. My nurse checked me and said I was dilated to about 5 cm and 80% effaced. Only 5 cm. I kept hoping that it was going to go a lot faster once I hit 6 cm because my doctor had said the first 6 are the longest and hardest. Once I ended up getting to that point, I would probably go a lot faster. Chris said that he had talked to Jan about maybe discussing the possibility of an epidural around 6:00AM or so. I remember thinking "Oh my gosh, do I have to wait until 6:00??" But I didn't want to be weak and give in yet. Mom had mentioned to me while I was still groggy that if it were her, she would get the epidural and not worry about it anymore. I think this was a really big wake up call for me. If the woman who had given birth eight times, seven of those times without any pain meds at all, was telling me to take the drugs, maybe I should trust that she knows what she's talking about. So maybe five minutes after Chris had mentioned that we could talk about the epidural, I said "Do I have to wait until six to get the epidural or can we start talking about it?" I think everyone breathed a sigh of relief that I was interested. They didn't want to see me in pain anymore. So after a few minutes of them telling me that I was too far into labor to stall out and that it would only provide relief, I gave in pretty willingly and asked for the doc to be called. As I waited, I asked my mom if she thought I was weak for giving in. She dismissed it like I was being ridiculous. She said she had never had to labor as long as I had already and she didn't blame me one bit for wanting some relief.
And sleep I did! And so did my mom and Chris. I think we all zonked out until about 9:00. Well we must have woke up a little before that because Jan came to see us before she headed out at 7:00AM. She predicted that I would have the baby about 12:30. Mom guessed that I would have him by 10:00. They gave me a few doses of pitocin because when I got the epidural, my contractions did slow down a bit. At one point, I went 13 minutes without a contraction. That made them worry, so they upped the dosage. They must had got it right at some point, because Chris said he was looking at the monitor and they were just constant waves. Around 9:00, I think we were all awake for good for the most part. I really started feeling pressure in my pelvis. It wasn't quite pushing pressure, but it was definitely uncomfortable. This I really didn't understand because again, wasn't the epidural supposed to stop all the pain so I wouldn't feel anything?? Our new nurse was named Carol and I asked her about it. I said that I could totally still feel my legs and everything and I wasn't too sure if the epidural was still working. When she checked me (I think around 10:00), I could tell her fingers were in there, but it wasn't uncomfortable like it normally was. It was a little reassuring just because I knew it must still somewhat be working. But she told me that they probably couldn't give me another dose of epidural medicine because it might block out all my nerves and I'd have a hard time pushing. So I decided that it was probably okay and I'd rather be able to push him out easily. When Carol checked me I was around 9 cm. She told me I had a tiny little bit of cervix on the side, so I wasn't completely dilated yet. I was told that it wouldn't be much longer though before he would be here.
My doctor actually wanted me to have another dose of epidural because she wanted me to be comfortable. This was different than what Carol had just told me, but Carol said that Jenn (my doc) thought it was a good idea. So they brought another anesthesiologist to add more medicine to the IV. He stuck around for a bit to see if it would kick in. It never really did. I didn't feel any different. Carol said that I probably wouldn't be able to get rid of the pressure and that it was probably good because that told me when I should push.
They got me all situated to start pushing. Carol told me that if I felt the urge to push, to go ahead and do it. Whenever I did feel the intense pushing urge, I would push a little just to see what would happen. I really didn't feel any relief at first. It just really started to feel like I had a big old poop building in my system. Carol checked me again and I was fully dilated. She said that there was a weird pocket of fluid at the top of the baby's head and she really couldn't tell if it was actually part of the baby's head or if it was just a little extra fluid compressed in there. She just left it alone to see what it would do.
A lot after that is a little blurry. I guess I was bleeding pretty badly, so they pushed a little pitocin to try and stop the bleeding. They massaged my belly (kinda painfully) and that seemed to do the trick. But then I had to lay there and get stitched up. I ended up with nine stitches on my perinium (ugh!) which hurt like the dickens. That took a whole lot longer than I wanted it too, but Jenn finally finished up. She asked if I wanted some pain meds and I said yes. I didn't really realize though that they would make me quite so sleepy. Jenn told me that after they were administered. I fought to stay awake though because there were still so many exciting things going on and I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. We ended up meeting our pediatrician Keri Wheeler and she seemed very nice. She was at the hospital right when he was born. I was a little groggy so I wasn't as alert as I normally would have been. Chris skyped his mom and dad a few minutes after he was born and they got to see him right away. Everyone's emotions were high. Mom stood by the edge of my bed teary eyed and asked what his full name was (she had guessed the night before that Jack was incorporated). We told her "Jackson Graydon Tacke" and she immediately teared up. I realized suddenly that she might not be okay with it. It had never even occurred to me that I should ask her ahead of time. She told me afterward that she was more than okay with it and that it really touched her actually. Howie was okay with it too. It also caught him off guard, but he was touched.
Pretty soon I got all cleaned up and everyone slowly left the room one by one. I have no idea how many people were in there when he was born, but it seemed like a lot. My mom hung around until about 2:00 and then headed back to my house to relieve Miranda from babysitting duty. Chris and I stayed in the room and had some lunch and took a nap. It was pretty relaxed post birth. Carol came in about 5:00 or so and got me up to go to the bathroom and make sure I could walk. I took a shower which felt really good. I made the mistake of looking down at my hooter and man alive was it swollen! The next morning Jenn asked me about how it was feeling and when I mentioned it she compared it to a hot dog bun. Yep...that was pretty darn accurate.
of it made every second worth it.
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