Sunday, August 18, 2013

Five Weeks Old

Well it has been five weeks since baby Jack arrived. I can hardly believe he's already five weeks. In a week, we'll be at six weeks, which as I've been told is the hardest to get through. Obviously I can't say for sure from personal experience just yet, but I think I probably agree with it. Actually I think it's the first four weeks or month that's the hardest. I feel like we have finally figured out what his various cries mean and how to soothe him best. We've also kind of got into a small semblance of a routine. It's nothing we've done to get him into a routine, he has just kind of made one for himself. I don't believe in feeding my baby according to the clock, and not when he wants. Not only does that inhibit his growth and faith in us to take care of him when he needs it, but I don't think we could stay sane! If he's crying, we check his diaper or I try feeding him, even if he ate five minutes before, simply because it keeps him from crying. We can only take it so long.

We did learn in the first two weeks that he gets VERY bad gas sometimes. The two nights after my in laws left were the hardest we have had so far. He literally screamed from around 6:00PM to 1:00AM both nights (the second night it was until 2AM) and no matter what we did, nothing helped console him. We figured out that it was something I had eaten that upset his tummy. A friend of ours brought us some chicken that had a little spice on it. I ate it without a thought and later that night as dh was holding him, Jack burped and dh said it smelled spicy. So we are pretty sure that was what was the matter. He was much better the next day, which made us believe all the more that that was the problem. I've had to cut dairy out of my diet, which really kind of sucks. It's amazing how many meals include cheese or milk! But I'd rather not eat dairy and have my baby be happy and feel good than the alternative. We've also started giving him baby probiotics and it seems to have helped him overall. But for the times that I slip up and eat something that doesn't agree with him too well, there's Gripe Water. I tell you what, it's a magic potion! I don't know how parents would ever go without it. I know that it will be included in all my future baby gifts. We give it to him and his happy again within 5-10 minutes and he sleeps if he's tired.

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