Thursday, August 29, 2013

What's Going To Happen

Well here we are a crossroads of where we will be in the next few months. Hubs is getting tired of his job and is ready for something new. I don't blame him either simply because it sounds like his new/temporary boss is being kind of a douche. I think there is too much gray area with the company when it comes to safety. They want people to be safe and not get hurt, but they don't want to discipline those who aren't. And when someone gets hurt, hubs is to blame, all because people are too damn stupid to be safe. 'eyeball roll'

So we've started looking at other opportunities. There's a job that's open about an hour and a half from our hometown that's kind of a long shot but would be AWESOME. I would be so happy to be that close to our family. It would be an offer that would be really hard to refuse, even if it ended up being a pay cut. Being that close to home would be worth it!

And there's another Utica, Illinois, 1800 miles from our hometown. We have a friend that works for a company there and so we checked it out and they need a health and safety guy. I'm not sure how likely the chances of getting it are but if it were to happen...gosh I'd be scared shitless to go. It's soooo far away! And the only people we know are our friends and they'd be an hour away anyway. I think if it was just hubs and me, I'd be a lot more excited, but with Jack, it freaks me out. If it were just us, I'd get a job too and have more opportunities to meet people and get out there. I'm scared that it will be hard to find friends and feel happy. I'm scared I'll be lonely if we go there. And just the unknown is terrifying. 

But I'm not going to be narrow minded and refuse it just because it's scary. God has a purpose and a plan for everything and if this ends up being what he wants then so be it. We'd be close to Chicago, which would be kind of cool maybe. We also wouldn't have to stay there forever either. But I feel like I've been far from home for a while already that I'd really like to get closer rather than farther..much farther.

Wherever we go I would like it to be near a town where we can be closer to a church, or a grocery store, or a gym. I'm definitely over being an hour away from anything. Only time will tell. Where will we be in six months...

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