Friday, August 23, 2013

First Big Trip

Tomorrow the hubs, the babe and are all headed to Bozeman for a wedding. It's about a five hour trip from our house and it's going to be interesting. We are going to spend the night but it will be a long couple days for Jack. I admit that I'm feeling a little nervous about it. We are leaving early so that hopefully he'll sleep as long as possible in the car, but he gets tired of being in the car seat pretty quickly. I guess it's good preparation for for when we drive home in October, which is about a eight hour drive on a good day. It's amazing how much a baby changes pretty much every aspect of your life! Before Jack, this little trip would have been no problem. Now it's quite a different story. I wouldn't change it for anything. I love being a mom and I'm excited to show our little guy off, but it just totally changes every part of your life. We asked Chris' sister to babysit while we go to the reception, but I'm just worried he's going to be cranky and just difficult for her to deal with. And I am hoping to get some time to shop a little. I haven't been to Target in forever so I'm crossing my fingers that I will be able to get away for a bit. 'Sigh' It's just going to be a wait-and-see thing. 

And now I've got to pack for this little trip, which also is another life changer after a baby! It's 3:00 and I haven't even pulled a bag out yet...mostly because my guy sleeps a lot and sleeps best if he sleeps on me. And we all want him sleeping! He has been soooo happy this week because he's been sleeping so good! The only bad thing about that though is that I cannot get anything done! Even if I use the carrier, he doesn't sleep as well and I can only do so much. But it's really okay. I know it won't last forever and it will be over before I know it. So I'm going to just enjoy it while I can. I cherish the baby cuddles. So I'll just wait for hubs to get home and pack then...

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