Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Really...Do I Look Like I'm Feeling Peachy Keen?!

Okay...I have not reached the point of being totally over this whole pregnancy thing yet (thank goodness 'cause I might still have another 2 weeks or so left to go) but I am so over people asking me how I'm feeling every time I go anywhere. I know they mean well and I don't hold it against anyone for asking, but I mean really, I will be 39 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I feel fat, ugly and about ready to be able to wear something other than my husband's t-shirts. How the hell do you think I feel? And what is with everyone staring at me like I'm about to give birth in front of them. It's like I'm a ticking time bomb that every single person is just waiting to go off.

I think I just reached the final straw this afternoon when I went out for a walk with my dog. Minding my own damn business. It was a little warm and I didn't go out for very long, but as I was getting closer to home, I was definitely feeling tired. And then this woman (who irks me anyway) pulled out of the parking lot in her tour bus (we live in place where that's normal daily routine) and waited for me to walk closer. She's yelling over this big ass bus engine as other cars are racing by and I can't hear a damn word she's saying other than "How ya doing? Ya look great!" Uh huh...I bet I look great all sweaty and my belly poking out from under my too small t-shirt. I know she really does mean well, but like I said, I'm freaking 9 months pregnant, how the eff do you think I'm doing?! I'm obviously not writhing in pain yet since I'm out walking my dog in the middle of  a June afternoon, but I've been better!

End of rant.

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