Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Little This and That

I haven't posted much lately because I have been soooo bored. I just feel like I have nothing interesting to write about. Christmas is over and dead winter has set in here in Wyoming. We have two months until our big Jamaica vacation and four months until things start hustling and bustling around here in anticipation of the season beginning. We are almost half way through the winter season, but the second half always seems so much longer. And now that we have a baby on the way, I feel like it will drag even more due to my growing hugeness. 

We do have a little bit of news as far as what's going to happen with our living situation. Chris was called in the other day to discuss what is going on with the whole restructuring of his department. Basically it's great news. We will get to move to a much bigger place (the place I've been praying for by the way) and he will report to the person he was hoping to and he will basically be able to run the department how he wants to. It's still not 100% just because they haven't officially offered him the updated job description and shown him some numbers in terms of salary. But basically it looks like we are probably going to end up staying. He still is going to interview for the job in Montana, but unless he gets offered a awesome deal up there, it will be hard to give up the position here. It will just be a great career move for him and we could really use the extra money we will be saving by not paying rent. We would really like to knock out our student loans as soon as possible so we can start saving for a down payment on a house and various other luxuries we'd like to have someday. And we are going to need a new car soon. That's not something we can delay too much longer unfortunately. It is kind of exciting to think that we only have to move right down the street, versus up a state in the dead of winter. And I won't have to find a new doctor and switch to a new insurance company and all that. It just seems like the much less stressful option. 

I definitely am anxious for things to get going. It seems like once January is over, things will finally start rolling rather quickly. We will finally know for sure where we are going to be living for the next couple years. I feel like we've been living in this state of limbo since we moved here wondering when we would finally be told that we could move to another house with more space. And now it seems like it will be happening in the next month or so. 

We will also find out if our little baby is a he or a she. I'm not sure which day we will actually find out because we have to see a specialist who comes in from Salt Lake. Since my family has a history of heart defects, they really want to rule it out beforehand. But we won't get to find out until sometime between the 18th and the 25th. And I have no idea when they are going to let us know what day our appointment is. Apparently they have to schedule it only about a week out.

I am really kind of hoping for a boy. I would be just as happy if it's a girl, but I just envision us with a boy first. It would also be cool to have the first grandson, since we aren't having the first grandbaby (my brother beat me by two years) on my side. It's just going to be so exciting to see how much the baby has grown since the last time we had an ultrasound. 

Either way, by the time January is over, we will finally know where we are living and if our baby is a boy or a girl! Lots of exciting things to come in the next couple of weeks!  

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