Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Stuff

Well I officially felt the baby move! It was such a cool feeling. I felt it on Saturday, the 12th. I was moving around quite a bit. I decided that I was really bored and wanted to clean the bathroom. And man was I cleaning it. I scrubbed it corner to corner and reorganized everything. I kept feeling this weird tickling in my stomach. I didn't really notice it at first but it kept moving around in my stomach. One second it would be deep down closer to my groin and then I would feel it again up by my ribs. It took me a little while to realize what it was, but when it kept happening, I knew it must be the baby. And he/she did it all day long. It felt like it was doing flips in there.

I haven't felt him/her move quite as much since Saturday. Little kicks here and there, but I think it's mostly because I haven't been moving around as much as I was on Saturday. I really wanted to go for a walk/run this weekend, but the warmest it got was just a couple degrees above 0. It was a COLD weekend! When it's like this, it's really hard in the winter. Normally we can at least go out and go for walks or be outside a little bit even when its in the twenties or so. But the last week has not been pleasant outside weather at all. I am to the point of being REALLY tired of the cold. Jamaica cannot be here soon enough.

We also found out news on where we are going to be living now. Chris was offered a higher position here, with a move up in housing. It wasn't the house we were expecting, but it's not bad. It's a two bedroom and it does have a dishwasher, which is HUGE. The salary was only about a $5,000 jump, which we were hoping for closer to ten, but it's still more than we would get in Missoula. And he is bonus eligible, so each year he could potentially get a 10% raise. And he would primarily be able to run his department the way that he wants to. As a 25 year old, it's a really big jump in his career. And it's really going to be nice to have a bigger place to live!

I was a little disappointed when I found out what house we were getting. We were hoping to be able to host Easter this year and invite his family down. Since we are getting a smaller two bedroom place, it probably won't be a possibility. But we can still have his parents come stay with us and when the baby comes, and we'll have a place for my mom to stay too. So it will be good. We did go look at one place that they offered us that doesn't have a dishwasher, but it has a horrible kitchen. The washer and dryer are in the kitchen (which a lot of the places have it like that) along with the hot water heater, so they stick out really weird and it's really small and awkward. We haven't looked at the other one yet because there is someone living in it right now, so I'm hoping that the washer and dryer aren't sticking out like that. We also have to wait until mid-February to move in. Honestly though, if we have to wait until March to move and get a dishwasher, I'm willing to wait. I think we will be very happy that we waited once we finally do get all settled in.

It is very exciting to know that we are moving soon! And that we are getting a place that is bigger than anything we have had before. We will actually have a living room and two bedrooms and our own washer and dryer and a somewhat decent sized kitchen. I know I was disappointed at first with the housing and the salary, but honestly what we got is still really awesome. Hopefully by the time we do end up leaving, we have all of our student loans free and clear and we have a new car (which we will need to really start looking for soon) and we will just be in a much better place to go somewhere new.

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