Well this morning we got up and of course the car wouldn't start. We forgot to plug the car in the night before and it got COLD last night. Fortunately our neighbor happened to be outside smoking a cigarette and Chris was able to get him to jump our car. But it wasn't without difficulty. It didn't want to get going. Of course that happens the day we have to be in town early.

When I called my house, my grandma picked up and I thought I had called the wrong place. Turns out that she was there to watch the girls while my mom was going to class. Mom hadn't left yet, so I caught her just in time. She was convinced it was a girl and when I told her it was a boy, she almost didn't believe me. She said she was so used to getting little girl things that she had to start getting used to little boy stuff. But she was really excited for us. Better than my dad anyway. I don't really know why I even bother. I called to tell him that he was having a grandson and I must have woke him up because he seemed all disoriented and confused. When I told him, he was like "Huh...grandson, what?" Then he suddenly figured it out and still didn't seem that excited. It's just so irritating. He's such an ass and I don't know why I am ever surprised. But everyone else was super excited for us.
Now that we know, I can go update our baby registry and figure out what boy stuff to put on. It just keeps getting more and more real. Honestly, even though I knew it was happening and that I really did have a baby inside me, it just has suddenly become that much more of a reality. I know who it is now. My whole world has drastically changed. I'm a mom. That's a crazy new role change in my life that is both really scary and really exciting at the same time.
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