Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's a Boy!!

We found out, we found out! And it was just what I thought. Like I said before, I wouldn't have been upset at all that we were having a girl had it been that way, but I just envisioned us with a boy first. I built up to this day with so much anticipation too. The last two nights I had ultrasound filled dreams and it was always a boy! On Sunday night, I dreamt that we missed our ultrasound appointment because we forgot that we needed to leave an hour earlier in order to make it on time. And then when I realized it, Chris had to get out of taking a really important test ('cause apparently he was in school again...) and I was pissed! Then last night I kept dreaming that we were at the ultrasound appointment and we could see the perfectly developed baby boy in full on color, like we were looking through a window in my stomach. And I just have to say, he was adorable!

Well this morning we got up and of course the car wouldn't start. We forgot to plug the car in the night before and it got COLD last night. Fortunately our neighbor happened to be outside smoking a cigarette and Chris was able to get him to jump our car. But it wasn't without difficulty. It didn't want to get going. Of course that happens the day we have to be in town early.

Once we got to the hospital, they got us in right away. No waiting at all. We initially met with a nurse and she got us going. Probably about 30 seconds into it, Chris says "It's a boy." I felt like I hadn't even had a chance to look at it yet and right away the nurse confirmed, "Yep, it's definitely a boy!" When I said I still couldn't see it, she highlighted it and pointed an arrow towards it. It was there for sure. I was almost shocked that I was right. I was convinced that my maternal instincts were probably wrong and it was a girl, especially because Chris kept saying he thought it was a girl. So it's now confirmed, our baby is a bouncing boy!! It's so exciting. We couldn't stop smiling after we found out. It's just so fun knowing what we should go shopping for now!

When I called my house, my grandma picked up and I thought I had called the wrong place. Turns out that she was there to watch the girls while my mom was going to class. Mom hadn't left yet, so I caught her just in time. She was convinced it was a girl and when I told her it was a boy, she almost didn't believe me. She said she was so used to getting little girl things that she had to start getting used to little boy stuff. But she was really excited for us. Better than my dad anyway. I don't really know why I even bother. I called to tell him that he was having a grandson and I must have woke him up because he seemed all disoriented and confused. When I told him, he was like "Huh...grandson, what?" Then he suddenly figured it out and still didn't seem that excited. It's just so irritating. He's such an ass and I don't know why I am ever surprised. But everyone else was super excited for us.

Now that we know, I can go update our baby registry and figure out what boy stuff to put on. It just keeps getting more and more real. Honestly, even though I knew it was happening and that I really did have a baby inside me, it just has suddenly become that much more of a reality. I know who it is now. My whole world has drastically changed. I'm a mom. That's a crazy new role change in my life that is both really scary and really exciting at the same time.

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