Friday, January 11, 2013

The Scale's Going Up...

Okay I know that it is a good thing and I should be happy about it, and I suppose a part of me is, but it is really disconcerting to step on the scale at 17 weeks pregnant and realize you've already gained seven pounds. I know, I know, it means that the baby is growing and healthy and I really am happy about it, but part of me really wishes he/she could grow without making me gain any weight. Bleh! I just keep thinking "Man I worked so hard to get down to 150 last summer and now I'm going to have to start all over and it's going to be even harder because I'll have a lot more weight to lose and I will have a newborn baby, and a sore body and not nearly as much time as I had before!" 'Sigh' 

I'm hoping that since I'll be staying home to take care of the baby, I will have at least an hour to have a good workout once I get all healed up and feeling a little back to my normal self. I would really like to get back into running too because it was such an easy way to workout and a great stress reliever. We'll see about that though. It might be potentially really hard pushing a stroller. But then again I could get some seriously awesome arms. I do think I'm going to try Insanity. It's really only two months and the workouts aren't nearly as long as the P90X workouts. Granted, I have yet to see any of the workouts, so who knows if I'll even like them, but it might be the only thing I can get myself to stick to. We will see. Either way, I have decided that I am not going to weigh myself anymore. I'll just let the doc weigh me and leave it at that!

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