Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baby News

We went home this weekend and told all our family the big news. It was a lot of fun! My hubby and I stressed over trying to come up with creative ways to tell everyone, but kind of gave up when it was going to be too hard to get everyone together at once. It was a very busy weekend and we hardly saw one another, so our options were limited. We finally broke down and just told our families in some simple ways. I showed my sister a pic of the pregnancy tests. We gave my in-laws some baby socks with John Deere on them. I am not too disappointed that we didn't go all out for it. We thought about waiting until Christmas when we could tell everyone together, but we really didn't want to wait that long. I'll be around 13 or 14 weeks, which would be really hard to keep to ourselves for that long. We just told family for the most part though. We are going to wait until our doctor's appointment on the 14th to tell anyone else. That way we can actually see the little guy in there (I think it's a little guy anyway...) and have a confirmation that there is someone in there.

This whole secret keeping is really hard! I keep catching myself almost blowing it to my coworkers. Yesterday I almost told me friend about three different times. She started showing me swimsuits that I could get for Jamaica. Not really thinking, I said "Ok but I probably will need a one piece..." She didn't ask why thankfully or pick up on anything. So I just pretended that I liked the one pieces better. Then a few hours later, we were talking about a friend of ours who is having a baby in December and my friend asked what they are going to name the baby. I said that they are keeping it a secret, which she in turn said she would probably do as well. I began to say "Yes that's what we are doing too." But I changed it mid-sentence to "Yea we'll probably do that too someday." Jeeze, I swear this is going to kill me to keep this secret for so long! Thank goodness we've only got three weeks until the doc appointment.

This morning we started taking our weekly pictures (although they will start being more weekly after the doc appointment). We got a chalkboard and wrote the date that we found out (10.11.12 by chance!) on the top and when the estimated arrival date is. Then I held up the positive test. We probably won't do a belly pic for a few more weeks because there really won't be much to see for a while. When it's all done it will look something like this, with out own personal tweeks.

And of course I can't get the picture to get very big. But you can kind of see it and get an idea. I will put on the one we took too eventually. And when we are all done, we'll have a little collage like this. I think it's such a fun idea!

It's kind of crazy that this girls starts showing at 10 weeks. That's not very far away! Four weeks until I'm at 10 weeks! It could be different for me of course though. We'll see.  

My brother and his wife actually are getting rid of a bunch of their baby stuff right now and I was able to snag a stroller and car seat and a breast pump that they hardly used. We didn't take the stroller right away, but they are holding onto it for us. I do have to say that I am so happy that God gives us eight and a half months to prepare for this stuff. I for one feel completely overwhelmed by all the baby stuff that I need to know about and get and all that! It's just crazy. I went into a baby store with my mom and sisters while we were home and just didn't want to look at anything by the time I was done. Part of it really is the fact that we live in this really tiny tiny place and a crib alone is going to have to be crammed in. So the idea of buying little extras is not as much fun as I would like it to be.

Hopefully we will get to move into a little bigger place before too long. I mean we can make it work where we are right now, but it will be really hard and it will really piss me off if the company does that to us. There is a chance that my hubby might get promoted if his boss finds another job, but that probably won't happen for a while. I am just going to have to exercise my patience skills. I know everything will work out for the better and I know we will be able to handle whatever is given to us. It would just be a whole lot easier to handle it all in a place with a few more square feet!

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