Friday, October 12, 2012


I've been really focused on this Jamaica trip the last few days. Thinking about the different exercise programs I am planning on doing to be fit. Getting a tanning package in town so I can have a little color when I get there. I even clocked out when I should expect my period while we are there. I figured out that I was probably going to get it right at the end of the trip if it stuck with it's normal schedule for the next few months. If I could have got my period to be one or two days late each cycle, then it would start a couple days after we got back, which would be perfect. So this time around I was hoping my period would come on the 10th, rather than the 9th like when it was due.

The 9th arrived but no period, and I was happy because I knew it was a little late which was what I was hoping. Be careful what you wish for...

The 10th came and went. I thought it was a little weird that I still hadn't started, but also my period has been a little messed up lately due to my training and running a marathon. I really haven't been running a lot, but I did run my marathon at the beginning of my cycle and I thought that that might have messed it up a little. But just for shits and giggles, I decided to take a pregnancy test.

Now I have taken a few of these the last couple months since I went off the pill. Like I said, my cycle has been a little off lately and so I fully expected it to be negative.

So yesterday morning I woke up, and still no period. I grabbed a box of pregnancy tests and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and plopped down on the potty. Normally when I take one of these, I put it on the sink and don't look at it. But this time I watched it as it turned, because it was definitely going to be negative.

NOPE! About 15 seconds in, I could see the faint second line coming into focus and blaring it's big fat positive pink line in my face. Holy shit!! I'm pregnant...

I literally started shaking and crying and freaking out just a tad. I was NOT prepared for this to happen. A lot of times, I think I might be and then I never am. The one time I took it thinking I had nothing to worry about...well, there it was.

I thought about waiting to tell my hubby until after work. I didn't want him to freak out about it all day and that way I could figure out a creative way to tell him. I got ready for work and decided that yes, I would wait until after to tell him. He sometimes goes to work a little bit after me and this day was one of those days. I told him I was leaving and kissed him goodbye. As I started to walk away he paused and said " it off season yet?" I kinda froze. I tried to decide if I should just lie and say it did. But it caught me off guard and I couldn't brush it off gracefully. I said "Well no it hasn't." And I went into the bathroom and got the test. He said, rather calmly in fact "We pregnant?" And I turned on the light and handed him the test. Then, I think it hit him. I really had to get to work, so we talked a minute and then I said we'd talk more after work. We were both in shock, but now that the news has kinda set in, we are pretty excited. I still just don't believe it's true. I haven't felt nauseous yet and I don't feel any different, so I don't think it's really set in.

We set up a doc appointment for November 14 because by then I'll be 8 weeks and they can't really tell us anything until then anyway. We'll have an ultrasound and they'll answer all our questions that we have. I just really wish we could go in sooner! I also can't believe I have to wait until January to find out if it's a boy or girl! This waiting thing is killer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

And because of my last post, I have now jinxed myself and will in fact be six months pregnant while we are in Jamaica. I'm hoping I won't be too huge by that point (people only really start showing half way right??). But so much for really trying to do P90X and Insanity this winter. I know that I will not feel like doing them. I think they are going to have to be a post-baby goal. And perhaps I will run another marathon next summer. Lord knows I'm going to have some extra pounds to shed.

1 comment:

  1. Correction to my post, I meant I will run a marathon the following summer (not the upcoming summer!). 2014 seems like a good time to go for that goal again. And I'm half way and definitely showing...still not sure how huge I'll be in two months.
