Monday, October 29, 2012

My Weekend

Well I jinxed myself. I do that all the damn time. It's one of the big reasons we are sitting here and talking about this whole pregnancy. I hit six weeks last Wednesday and really had yet to feel any queasiness and anything at all (I did have one day while I was home that I didn't feel super great). I was starting to wonder if there was anything in there at all, seeing as my body seemed to be adjusting so well.

And then Saturday morning hit. Holy crap on a stick! I stood up and immediately got dizzy and queasy. I never did throw up, but I sure felt like it could be most welcome. It felt about how I normally feel after drinking too much wine the night before, minus the headache. By the afternoon I felt better, but still not up for a whole lot. We did end up going to our local school's fall fund raiser and I felt alright. I was hoping that because I was feeling better Saturday night that Sunday wouldn't be as bad. WRONG! Okay well actually it wasn't too bad. It didn't last as long as it did on Saturday, but I think I felt worse. I woke up and went into the kitchen to start waffles and the dishes. At first I thought I wasn't going to feel too bad, but then I started to feel dizzy. So I took some Airborne (which usually helps perk me up through anything) hoping it would help. Not so. My hubby came in and started helping me with the dishes and when I kept having to lean against the sink so I wouldn't pass out, he told me to go lay down.

Fortunately I did start to feel better a little while later. It really just hit me hard this weekend. Amazingly enough I felt fine this morning. I kind of started to think that this was the beginning to a miserable couple of weeks, but maybe the baby just really doesn't like sleeping in. Hmmm, I thought I had some more time before I had to give that up...

Oh and to add to my pregnancy symptoms, last night I forgot to shave one of my legs. Not just a spot, but the ENTIRE leg. I went to go put some lotion on and noticed the incredibly hairy stubble still present. It freaked me out a little. I mean how do you forget to shave one of your legs??

I've also been having some crazy dreams. I mean CRAZY! The other day I thought there was a mass murderer on our street going into people's houses and shooting them. I woke up and almost asked DH if he had his gun loaded because someone was in our house. Then I realized it was a dream and that might freak him out a little. And the same night, I dreamt that I decided to go for a run and I went half way to my home in Montana, and had no plans of how I was going to get back. And my husband was gone on an ambulance shift and couldn't come and get me. So I had to walk back. And to top it all off, last night I dreamt I was having sex with a chick, and I couldn't figure out if my husband would consider it cheating and have a problem with it.

Yea...weird weird dreams!

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