Thursday, October 25, 2012

Things To Start Reading Up On

The internet is such a handy tool to have. Especially when you're pregnant for the first time. I don't mind reading books and all but I feel like it's way easier to find specific information online that deals with the exact questions that I'm having. When I read a book, not only do I have to somehow get my hands on that specific book (library, buy, etc.) but then I have to sift through the chapters that I'm really not interested in to find the topic I want to know more about. I am thankful to live in the age I do.

I am starting to realize that there are a lot of things I don't know. Before I considered myself pretty well educated on what to expect when a baby comes along. I am the oldest of five immediate siblings and then my mom had more children after I grew up as well. I learned a lot when I would come home to visit or just from talking to my mom about specific things. Part of me likes to think that what I need to know will just come when I need it to. I'll just know what to do when it needs to be done. Like breastfeeding for example. I mean  it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult. Put the baby on your boob and let him suck. How hard can that be really? But then I've seen articles about women who have such a hard time with it. They recommend getting advise from a lactation specialist when you're in the hospital and to read up on it before the baby arrives. Now I'm not one to think that I know everything, but I had no idea that it could be such a hard thing to figure out. Some women end up not being able to do it at all. Which, I don't know if I believe completely. From what I've read and heard from others, it is not always the most fun or the most comfortable, so I think some women may just give up. Maybe there are some who just don't produce enough milk, but I really believe that our bodies as women are made to have babies. We are specifically designed to grow and nurture a baby. I can hardly believe that there would be a woman who would be unable to do such. I mean what did they do in the olden days when formula wasn't available? I bet they tried a lot harder. That baby wasn't very happy otherwise. I realize that it may be harder for some women, but I really have a hard time believing that it's impossible for anyone.

But what do I know right? I probably just jinxed myself and I am going to have a hell of a time nursing. And I'll hate every minute of it and just want to be done. I hope that's not the case. Breastfeeding sounds like it can be a really neat experience. I do not want to feed my baby formula at all if I can possibly help it. My boobs are around for a reason, why not use then as much as possible?

I do really want to read up on breastfeeding and find out more. I just don't want to be surprised by anything that can happen with this pregnancy. There is so much information readily available on this subject. I did just read this article that made me tear up a little. It's written in a way so it's as if your baby has written you a letter. It's so sweet and very informative. I learned a whole lot just from it alone. Dear Mommy

Sweet right? I think I'm going to have to keep that just to stay encouraged should it be particularly difficult.

Here is another article about what to expect those first few days after baby is born (nursing wise anyway).
Breastfeeding Timeline

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